Bienvenidos a Consultora Stivala

Author: stivala

04 Jul

¿Cómo blanqueo la Clave Fiscal a través de Homebanking?

Financial services must tie these three factors together – customer experience, best practices and reliability/responsiveness – to have an effective web presence. They can’t go hard into one particular area and ignore the others. They have to understand what’s available versus their competitors, what consumers think of their sites versus competitors’ and how their sites are performing.

01 Jul

¿Cómo presento las Declaraciones Juradas?

Financial services must tie these three factors together – customer experience, best practices and reliability/responsiveness – to have an effective web presence. They can’t go hard into one particular area and ignore the others. They have to understand what’s available versus their competitors, what consumers think of their sites versus competitors’ and how their sites are performing.

29 Jun

¿Cómo me inscribo en AFIP? ¿Cómo solicito la CUIT, la Clave Fiscal y el Alta en Impuestos?

Financial services must tie these three factors together – customer experience, best practices and reliability/responsiveness – to have an effective web presence. They can’t go hard into one particular area and ignore the others. They have to understand what’s available versus their competitors, what consumers think of their sites versus competitors’ and how their sites are performing.

20 Jun

¿Cómo efectúo el pago de mis obligaciones a través del VEP (Volante Electrónico de Pagos)?

Financial services must tie these three factors together – customer experience, best practices and reliability/responsiveness – to have an effective web presence. They can’t go hard into one particular area and ignore the others. They have to understand what’s available versus their competitors, what consumers think of their sites versus competitors’ and how their sites are performing.